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"In an old-standing reef, the corals, which greatly differ in kind on different parts of it, are probably all adapted to the stations they occupy, and hold their places, like other organic beings, by a struggle one with another and with external nature..."

Charles Darwin (1872). The structure and distribution of coral reefs.

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Stony corals (Anthozoa: Scleractinia) are an ancient and diverse clade with enormous ecological and economic importance, forming the backbone of coral reefs which are considered one of the most diverse and productive ecosystems in the ocean. However, global change and unmitigated anthropogenic disruption of their habitats are threatening these organisms, leading to extensive population declines. My research focuses primarily on investigating mechanical properties, skeletal characteristics, isotopic composition, growth rates and population dynamics in temperate and subtropical corals along anthropogenic and natural pH and temperature gradients to predict their response to climate change, in particular to ocean warming and acidification.

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I am a coral ecologist/biologist by training with a focus on physiological and morphological responses of corals (and other marine calcifiers) to ocean warming, acidification and accelerating atmosphere-ocean feedbacks. biomineralization and population dynamics. I combine fieldwork along natural temperature, pH, and anthropogenic impact gradients with studies under controlled conditions.

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1 January 2011 - 8 May 2014

Ph.D. in Biodiversity and Evolution

University of Bologna (Italy)

23 August 2007 - 27 April 2010

 M.Sc. in Ecology

University of Parma (Italy)

8 May 2003 - 17 July 2007

B.Sc. in Natural Sciences

University of Parma (Italy)


Professional Experience

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1 September 2023 - today

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor

Host Institution: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - Dept. of Marine and Coastal Sciences

Research: Physiological and morphological responses of corals to a variety of forcing functions to ocean warming, acidification, and accelerating atmosphere-ocean feedbacks

1 July 2022 - 31 August 2023

Postdoctoral Associate

Host Institution: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey – Dept. of Marine and Coastal Sciences (USA),

Advisor: Paul Falkowski

Research project: Biomineralization mechanisms shared by diverse marine calcifiers 

1 November 2021 - 30 June 2023

Postdoctoral Fellow

Host Institution: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey – Dept. of Marine and Coastal Sciences (USA),

Advisor: Paul Falkowski

Research project: Nutrient cycling and biomineralization in deep sea corals

1 January - 21 October 2021

Post-doctoral Fellow

Host Institution: University of Bologna - Dept. of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (Italy);

Advisors: Giuseppe Falini, Stefano Goffredo

Research project: Analysis of the photosynthetic efficiency and autotrophy:heterotrophy ratio of zooxanthellate corals along a natural acidification gradient

01 June 2019 - 31 October 2020

Post-doctoral Fellow

Host Institution: University of Bologna - Dept. of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (Italy);

Advisor: Stefano Goffredo

Research project: Effects of cumulative human impact on Mediterranean corals as bio-indicators of marine ecosystem health

24 September 2018 - 17 September 2021

Adjunct Professor

Host Institution: University of Bologna - School of Psychology and Education (Italy);

Course: Elements of Ecology 

Degree Programme: Master Degree Programme in Primary teacher education

1 June 2017 - 31 May 2019

Post-doctoral Fellow

Host Institution: University of Bologna - Dept. of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (Italy);

Advisor: Stefano Goffredo

Research Project: pH up-regulation in calcification physiology and skeletal features of corals living along natural pCO2 gradients

1 January 2016 - 31 December 2016

Post-doctoral Fellow

Host Institution: University of Bologna - Dept. of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (Italy);

Advisor: Stefano Goffredo

Research Project: Ocean warming and acidification effects on growth and physiology of Mediterranean corals

27 May 2014 - 26 October 2015

Post-doctoral Fellow

Host Institution: National Research Council - Institute for the Study of Anthropic Impact and Sustainability in the Marine Environment (Italy);

Advisor: Fabio Badalamenti

Research Project: Ecology, biology and morphometry of scleractinian coral Astroides calycularis



Home: Publications

* corresponding author(s) / # equal contributors

Sani T#, Prada F#, Radi G, Caroselli E, Falini G, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S* (2024) Ocean warming and acidification detrimentally affect coral tissue regeneration at a Mediterranean CO2 vent. Science of the Total Environment, 906: 167789. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167789 

Prada F#, Franzellitti S#, Caroselli E*, Cohen I, Marini M, Campanelli A, Sana L, Mancuso A, Marchini C, Puglisi A, Candela M, Mass T, Tassi F, LaJeunesse T*, Dubinsky Z, Falini G, Goffredo S* (2023) Acclimatization of a coral-dinoflagellate mutualism at a CO2 vent. Communications Biology, 6: 66. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-04327-3

Mancuso A, Yam R, Prada F, Stagioni M, Goffredo S, Shemesh A (2023) Oxygen and carbon isotope variations in Chamelea gallina shells: environmental influences and vital effects. Geobiology, 21: 119–132. doi: 10.1111/gbi.12526

Palladino G, Caroselli E, Tavella T, D’Amico F, Prada F, Mancuso A, Franzellitti S, Rampelli S, Candela M, Goffredo S, Biagi E (2022) Metagenomic shifts in mucus, tissue and skeleton of the coral Balanophyllia europaea living along a natural CO2 gradient. ISME Communications, 2: 65. doi: 10.1038/s43705-022-00152-1

Machado Toffolo M, Simoncini GA, Marchini C, Meschini M, Caroselli E, Franzellitti S, Prada F, Goffredo S (2022) Long term effects of an informal education program on tourist environmental perception. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:830085. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.830085

Prada F, Brizi L, Franzellitti S, Mengoli S, Fermani S, Polishchuk I, Baraldi N, Ricci F, Palazzo Q, Caroselli E, Pokroy B, Giorgini L, Fantazzini P*, Falini G*, Goffredo S*, Fabricius KE (2021) Coral micro- and macro-morphological skeletal properties in response to life-long acclimatization at CO2 vents in Papua New Guinea. Scientific Reports, 11:19927. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-98976-9

Marchini C, Gizzi F, Pondrelli T, Moreddu L, Marisaldi L, Montori F, Lazzari V, Airi V, Caroselli E, Prada F, Falini G, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S (2021) Decreasing pH impairs sexual reproduction in a Mediterranean coral transplanted at a CO2 vent. Limnology & Oceanography, 9999: 1–11. doi: 10.1002/lno.11937

Palazzo Q#, Prada F#, Steffens T, Fermani S, Samorì C, Bernardi G, Terrón-Sigler A, Sparla F*, Falini G*, Goffredo S* (2021) The skeleton of Balanophyllia coral species suggests adaptive traits linked to the onset of mixotrophy. Science of the Total Environment, 148778. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148778

Meschini M, Machado Toffolo M, Marchini C, Caroselli E, Prada F, Mancuso A, Franzellitti S, Locci L, Davoli M, Trittoni M, Nanetti E, Tittarelli M, Bentivogli R, Branchini S, Neri P, Goffredo S (2021) Reliability of data collected by volunteers: a nine-year citizen science study in the Red Sea. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 694258. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.694258

Meschini M, Machado Toffolo M, Caroselli E, Franzellitti S, Marchini C, Prada F, Boattini A, Brambilla V, Martinez G, Prati F, Simoncini G, Visentin M, Airi V, Branchini S, Goffredo S (2021) Educational briefings in touristic facilities promote tourist sustainable behavior and customer loyalty. Biological Conservation, 259: 109122. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109122

Cheli A, Mancuso A, Azzarone M, Fermani S, Kaandorp J, Marin F, Montroni D, Polishchuk I, Prada F, Stagioni M, Valdré G, Pokroy B, Falini G*, Goffredo S*, Scarponi D* (2021) Climate variation during the Holocene influenced the skeletal properties of Chamelea gallina shells in the North Adriatic Sea (Italy). PLOS ONE 16: e0247590. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247590

Palladino G, Rampelli S, Scicchitano D, Musella M, Quero GM, Prada F, Mancuso A, Seyfarth AM, Turroni S, Candela M, Biagi E* (2021) Impact of marine aquaculture on the microbiome associated with nearby holobionts: the case of Patella caerulea living in proximity of sea bream aquaculture cages. Microorganisms 9: 455. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9020455

Meschini M, Prati F, Simoncini GA, Airi V, Caroselli E, Prada F, Marchini C, Machado Toffolo M, Branchini S, Brambilla V, Covi C, Goffredo S (2021) Environmental Awareness Gained During a Citizen Science Project in Touristic Resorts Is Maintained After 3 Years Since Participation. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 584644. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.584644

Caroselli E, Frapiccini E, Franzellitti S, Palazzo Q, Prada F, Betti M, Goffredo S, Marini M (2020) Accumulation of PAHs in the tissues and algal symbionts of a common Mediterranean coral: skeletal storage relates to population age structure. Science of the Total Environment 743: 140781. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140781

Franzellitti S*, Prada F, Viarengo A, Fabbri E (2020) Evaluating bivalve cytoprotective responses and their regulatory pathways in a climate change scenario. Science of the Total Environment 137733. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137733

Savinelli B, Fernández TV, Galasso NM, D’Anna G, Pipitone C, Prada F, Zenone A, Badalamenti F, Musco L (2020) Microplastics impair the feeding performance of a Mediterranean habitat-forming coral. Marine Environmental Research, 155: 104887. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104887

Wall M*#, Prada F#, Fietzke J, Caroselli E, Dubinsky Z, Fantazzini P, Brizi L, Weiner S, Mass T, Franzellitti S, Montagna P, Falini G, Goffredo S* (2019) Linking internal carbonate chemistry regulation and calcification in corals growing at a Mediterranean CO2 vent. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 699. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00699

Prada F, Musco L*, Alagna A, Agnetta D, Beccari E, D’Anna G, Giacalone VM, Pipitone C, Vega Fernández T, Goffredo S, Badalamenti F (2019) Anthropogenic impact is negatively related to coral health in Sicily (Mediterranean Sea). Scientific Reports 9: 13469. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49713-w

Prada F, Yam R, Levy O, Caroselli E, Falini G, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S*, Shemesh A* (2019) Kinetic and metabolic isotope effects in zooxanthellate and non-zooxanthellate Mediterranean corals along a wide latitudinal gradient. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6: 522. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00522

Mancuso A, Stagioni M, Prada F, Scarponi D, Piccinetti C, Goffredo S (2019) Environmental influence on calcification of the bivalve Chamelea gallina along a latitudinal gradient in the Adriatic Sea. Scientific Reports, 9: 11198. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-47538-1

Caroselli E, Gizzi F, Prada F, Marchini C, Airi V, Kaandorp J, Falini G, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S (2019) Low and variable pH decreases recruitment efficiency in populations of a temperate coral naturally present at a CO2 vent. Limnology & Oceanography, 64: 1059-1069. doi: 10.1002/lno.11097

Franzellitti S*, Airi V, Calbucci D, Caroselli E, Prada F, Voolstra C, Mass, Falini G., Fabbri E, Goffredo S (2018) Transcriptional response of the heat shock gene hsp70 aligns with differences in stress susceptibility of shallow-water corals from the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 140:444-454. doi: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.07.006

Ingrosso G, Abbiati M. Badalamenti F. … Prada F, Ponti M, Rindi F, Russo GF, Sandulli R, Villamor A, Zane L, Boero F (2018) Mediterranean bioconstructions along the Italian coast. Advances in Marine Biology, 79:61-136. doi: 10.1016/bs.amb.2018.05.001

Iluz D, Fermani S, Ramot M, Reggi M, Caroselli E, Prada F, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S, Falini G (2017) Calcifying response and recovery potential of the brown alga Padina pavonica under ocean acidification. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 1:316-323. doi: 10.1021/acsearthspacechem.7b00051

Gizzi F, de Mas L, Airi V, Caroselli E, Prada F, Falini G, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S (2017) Reproduction of an azooxanthellate coral is unaffected by ocean acidification. Scientific Reports, 7: 13049. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-13393-1

Samorì C, Caroselli E, Prada F, Reggi M, Fermani S, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S, Falini G* (2017) Ecological relevance of skeletal fatty acid concentration and composition in Mediterranean scleractinian corals. Scientific Reports, 7:1929. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02034-2

Maor-Landaw K, Ben-Asher HW, Karako-Lampert S, Salmon-Divon M, Prada F, Caroselli E, Goffredo S*, Falini G, Dubinsky Z, Levy O* (2017) Mediterranean versus Red sea corals facing climate change, a transcriptome analysis. Scientific Reports, 7:42405. doi: 10.1038/srep42405

Prada F, Caroselli E, Mengoli S, Brizi L, Fantazzini P, Capaccioni B, Pasquini L, Fabricius KE., Dubinsky Z, Falini G, Goffredo S* (2017) Ocean warming and acidification synergistically increase coral mortality. Scientific Reports, 7:40842. doi: 10.1038/srep40842

Reggi M, Samori C, Fermani S, Gizzi F, Prada F, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S*, Falini G* (2017) Influence of intra-skeletal coral lipids on calcium carbonate precipitation. CrystEngComm, 18:8829-8833. doi: 10.1039/C6CE01939K

Musco L*, Prada F*, D’Anna G, Galasso NM, Pipitone C, Fernández TV, Badalamenti F (2017). Turning casualty into opportunity: fragmenting dislodged colonies is effective for restoring reefs of a Mediterranean endemic coral. Ecological Engineering, 98: 206-212. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.10.075

Fantazzini P*, Mengoli S, Pasquini L, Bortolotti V, Brizi L, Mariani M, Di Giosia M, Fermani S, Capaccioni B, Caroselli E, Prada F, Zaccanti F, Levy O, Dubinsky Z, Kaandorp JA, Konglerd P, Hammel JU, Dauphin Y, Cuif J-P, Weaver JC, Fabricius KE, Wagermaier W, Fratzl P, Falini G*, Goffredo S* (2015) Gains and losses of coral skeletal porosity changes with ocean acidification acclimation. Nature Communications, 6:7785. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8785

Pasquini L*, Molinari A, Fantazzini P, Reggi M, Goffredo S, Caroselli E, Prada F, Levi O, Dubinsky Z, Falini G* (2015) Isotropic microscale mechanical properties of coral skeletons. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12: :20150168-20150168. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2015.0168

Goffredo S, Mancuso A, Caroselli E, Prada F, Dubinsky Z, Falini G, Levy O, Fantazzini P, Pasquini L (2015) Skeletal mechanical properties of Mediterranean corals along a wide latitudinal gradient. Coral Reefs, 34: 121-132. doi 10.1007/s00338-014-1222-6

Goffredo S*, Prada F, Caroselli E, Capaccioni B, Zaccanti F, Pasquini L, Fantazzini P, Fermani S, Reggi M, Levy O, Katharina F, Dubinsky Z, Falini G* (2014) Biomineralization control related to population density under ocean acidification. Nature Climate Change, 4:593-597. doi: 10.1038/nclimate2241

Fantazzini P*, Mengoli S, Evangelisti S, Pasquini L, Mariani M, Brizi L, Goffredo S, Caroselli E, Prada F, Falini G, Levy O, Dubinsky Z (2013) Time-Domain NMR study of Mediterranean scleractinian corals reveals skeletal-porosity sensitivity to environmental changes. Environmental Science & Technology, 47:12679-12686. doi: 10.1021/es402521b

Caroselli E, Prada F, Pasquini L, Nonnis Marzano F, Zaccanti F, Falini G, Levy O, Dubinsky Z, Goffredo S* (2011) Environmental implications of skeletal micro-density and porosity variation in two scleractinian corals. Zoology, 114:255-264. doi: 10.1016/j.zool.2011.04.003


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Dr. Fiorella Prada
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences - Room 303A
71 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
United States

+1 848 313 9820

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